
Release 1.2.0

Uh oh, it looks like we got a little out-of-control again and changed… well, we changed a lot in SatDump. But never fear, this update contains a lot of great features that many of our users will ap...

Release 1.1.4

It might still be winter, but that hasn’t cooled down SatDump’s pace of development! We’re happy to announce version 1.1.4, full of new features and bug fixes. New Features Autotrack/Scheduler im...

Release 1.1.3

New Year, New SatDump! We’re happy to announce a new version of SatDump with several added features and even more bug fixes. New Features NOAA APT improvements This release brings a large number...

Release 1.1.2

Yet another update has been beamed to your computers now! This time starring: New features Automation improvements It is now possible to very easily build an automated station for APT or LRPT sa...

Release 1.1.1

Guess what, it’s update time again! Time GOES(-15) by so fast - it’s been a month now since V1.1.0 was released (See what we did there?). So we figured a small maintenance update will do no harm, t...

Projections - A Story

One of SatDump’s major components is projections. Geo-referencing satellite data, especially when it’s not in GEO requires quite a few convoluted processing steps. Considering one recent set of ch...

Release 1.1.0

It’s been 285 days since SatDump 1.0.3 was released. A lot has changed since then - new features have been added and numerous bugs were squished! That’s why we decided to finally release SatDump ve...

Release 1.0.3

It initially wasn’t planned to release 1.0.3 so soon, I still had some other plans. But with the amount of requests following JPSS-2’s VIIRS instrument now being active, APT support and so on… I gu...

Release 1.0.2

A rather quick update after 1.0.1. There were some major bugs that were worked on since, so a rather quick release before working on other things felt important. So obviously, this is mainly bugfix...

Release 1.0.1

This update, unlike previous ones, includes a lot that’s more under-the-hood… So while it will appear smaller, it isn’t especially that much smaller! Things that are still too WIP to be mentioned,...

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